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Matayy Kaww. :P

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera !

FOR to you all boy who are out there : 
sorry! I can not accept you with open heart because I still wait for someone. ;')
the lucky boy who has nothing to do with you!..
yeah! you know me right? :) So, please do not wait for me ok! hehe. 
btw, we can become good friends .. and maybe?
I will start a new life with a focus on education in school :) 
my SPM this year ok :D Please pray for me to excel in exams this year..

story today is:
 after learning in school,
I did not return home because no one will want to take me in school -.- '
 I continue to take the phone in a school bag,then make a call to my mother.
she said that she could not want to take me as Auntie Pip sick :(
OUH no! >.<  all kinds of emotions that are at that time. :P

Nevermind, a small matter. haha ..
in a few minutes later, I decided that
I will be going to work my mother :)
later, there is no turning back trouble my mother want to go take a close sister school.

 the last, I replace my mother work .. haha. Start the evening until night -.- '
 Arrghh! really tired ... ok.ok. time it over ^.^

yesterday, I am really delighted that someone has made a call to me: ')
[sorry lah.tetibe entri post hari nih sume nye dalam BI :P ]

1 comment :

  1. wah sangat setia menunggu eks...
    untung la org yang kamo tunggu tu..

    ==New Entri=======
